Labor is Wealth
More People Working in a Free Market Create the Most Wealth
Wealth cannot exist without labor. Even if you are living on top of a gold mine or an oil field; only labor can turn that into wealth. A brilliant idea of how to get more of something – wanted for less cost – requires labor.
The value of labor is different in virtually all cases. The value of a field hand, maid, house wife or house husband, clerk, medical professionals, lawyers, accountants, politicians are all different. Yet, all that labor creates wealth.
I define wealth as the ability to create what is needed and wanted by the laborer and the recipient of the labor. Obviously different types of labor create different amounts of monetary wealth.
Money is a societally agreed upon medium of exchange with which to purchase either the labor or the fruits of the labor.
The Oldest Profession is Not What You Think
The oldest profession is slavery. If labor is wealth, then owning laborers creates wealth to the slave owner. Consider that what funded the creation of the Roman Empire was slavery. The more territory the Roman Army conquered, the more slaves were created and sold to fund the empire.
By 300 AD there were very few population centers near enough for Rome to keep growing slavery. And without new slaves there was not enough new wealth to pay the Roman Army to protect the Emperor.
So in order to stay in power without enough new money to pay bills, the then Emperor started debasing the Denarius – the global Roman currency which had about 4.5 grams of silver. The less silver in a coin, the more coins could be issued.
What followed was a 1,000% inflation and the Army demanding gold for salaries. Shortly thereafter Rome began to be successfully invaded.
Controlling Labor is Slavery by Every Other Name
Believe it or not slavery is still legal on this planet. Whether it is called migrant labor, or socialist ownership of employees actions and activities, or being subject to a local warlord, slavery still exists.
Every society not subject to election by the governed is a form of slavery. The key distinction of slavery is when the government, war lord or bureaucrat has the ability to control laborers actions.
Controlling labor movement is another form of slavery. Whether being forced off a Chinese farm or not allowed to move to the US or avoiding Russian invasion, that control is a form of slavery.
Inflation Today Caused by Restrictions on Labor Supply.
Prior to the former US President, inflation had been relatively minor. The first act of the past administration was to restrict immigration; dramatically limiting the number of new workers. Five years of restricting new labor – also called illegal aliens – has resulted in a massive labor shortage forcing wages much higher and limiting the production of wanted goods and services. Prior to the prior US President – inflation had been relatively minor.
The first act of the past administration was to restrict immigration; dramatically limiting the number of new workers. Five years of restricting new labor – also called illegal aliens – has resulted in a massive labor shortage forcing wages much higher and limiting the production of wanted goods and services.
The only non racial issue against allowing immigration is that the newcomers wil be very costly as they use existing goods and services for those without $.
Yet the truth is almost all so-called illegals use a phony social security card and never get any benefits in return. Up until recently one of the biggest growth areas of tax payments to the US Treasury was those from non-existent accounts. In other words, illegals paid taxes and never got anything back.
The millions of so-called illegals, picked the produce, swept the yards and took on any and all “demeaning jobs”, raised families and prospered. The amount of tax received by the US Treasury was greater than the existing government services used by immigrants.
Bottom Line for Today – to lower inflation open our borders to new immigrants.
My economic prediction: Central Europe received millions of displaced persons from the Arab world and Ukraine – they will experience faster growth and more wealth creation than countries like the US and Japan, which tend to restrict immigration.
Charles Biderman